Hunter's Camp

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In FOnline 2 World Hunters camps are rather a common occurrence. You can find them practically everywhere. In a world without a mass food production, hunting is one of the most important income of food for the population of the Wasteland. The other important fact you should know is that for local bandits, hunters camp are one of the most promising targets. Not only usually they can find food there but also very often skins of local animals which they can later trade for more food or perhaps even ammunition for their weapons. During your journeys you will often find SOS signal flares coming from Hunters camp being attacked by rogues and other scums of the Wasteland.

There are 4 types of map for this event. In each kind of them, bandits already wiped out the hunters. Which means that the only thing you should do is avenge fallen hunters by killing the attackers. After that, loot the location itself. Dead hunters doesn't need skins - you do. Each map variant has one locked container that you shoot aim to plunder.

The possible variants of enemy in this place are: Bandits, Robbers, Highwayman, Raiders and Gangs members. Usually there isn't whole lot of them lets say from 3 to like 7 NPC's. The reward is usually consisted of Caps, Silver, Golden and Fire Gecko skins, Tanned Brahmin skins, Cords and Ropes.

Encounter Version A

This is mountain version of this event. It's a small location. There is not much places to get cover though so if you're doing it solo it might be wise to rush to the main building so you can line up your enemies on those narrow stairs leading to it.

Encounter Map

Points of interest

  • c - Locked container with goods.
  • c - Unlocked container, which seems to be always empty.

Encounter Version B

Just like version A this one is also find in mountains. In general its very simillar to first map altough you have here much more room to manuver as you aren't limited by narrow passages.

Encounter Map

Points of interest

  • c - Locked container with goods.

Encounter Version C

This version can be find on the desert. Its the biggest location variant. Usually this means that you will be having here the most loot, well that is if you menage to kill alll npcs which are, just simillary to loot also spawns here in the greatest number. Don't fight on open space, use one of buildings as a cover.

Encounter Map

Points of interest

  • c - Locked container with goods.
  • c - Unlocked container, which seems to be always empty.

Encounter Version D

A Desert only location variant. From my experience this one seems to spawn a little less often than others. Its a good thing as this one is definitely the hardest since there is no cover at all. On the whole map there is no a single place where you can fight your enemies one after another, which means that if you're doing it solo you are going to be shooted by the entire npc squad that is residing there.

Encounter Map

Points of interest

  • c - Locked container with goods.