Enclave Pre War Bunker

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Enclave Pre War Bunker
One of the old forgotten bunkers.
Price 200 000 caps
Seller Name & Location Robbed Figure in Navarro's Gas Station
Base Size Medium
Amount of Containers 25
Parking Places 11
Other Notes Expensive!

Behold! This is the most expansive base in the game! It also the biggest buy able base! It has a LOT, truly a lot of containers, whooping 11 car spot parking places and in general this base is just full of concentrated awesomeness.

The biggest problem with this base is at time when you finally gather up 200k to buy it you probably already have good main base and switching off is usually troublesome and requiring a lot of time necessary to move in. Also the base itself seems to be not designated as solo player base but much more like coordination point for bigger amount of people.

Note: Some people are reporting problems with buying this base as NPC selling it sometimes tend to refuse to talk. Try leaving your current faction and talking to him again if you encounter problem like this. If this won't help as well contact developers by sending them in-game message (~requesthelp). It's not like they have anything better to do anyways. Those good fer nothin' devs

A Seller location

Base Image

Points of interest

  • c1 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c2 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c3 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c4 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c5 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c6 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c7 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c8 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c9 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c10 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c11 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c12 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c13 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c14 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c15 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c16 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c17 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c18 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c19 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c20 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c21 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c22 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c23 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c24 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c25 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • t - Base terminal is located here.
  • w - Primitive Workbench placement.