Junktown Scouts during their endless skirnishes with band of Rogues.
Rogues together with Khans and Regulators are 3 big farming targets, which are not so easy to farm but still manageable by semi experienced players. They are most commonly chosen as a good turn based farming objective. Rogues are perfect fit for long farming sessions, unless naturally you can finish off groups of angry Super Mutants as they offer better loot.
So what is the difference between Rogues and Khan Raiders? Just one. Radscorpion! Rogues will always spawn in a group with one radscorpion allied to them. It is even possible to meet 1 radscorpion alone as an entire: "Rogue" encounter. Some consider this as a bug, other as a simple flavor feature. One thing is certain though - having to kill extra Radscorpion while farming this encounters get annoying very, very quickly.
Note: This NPC's damage resistances are very low, using JHP ammunition to fight them seems like a nice idea.
Other Informations
Location: Area around Broken Hills. Favorite place for farming them amongst many player is 18:10.
Weaponry: 14mm Pistol, Plasma Pistol, HK & CAWS, Minigun, Improved Flamer, Flamer, Rocket Launcher, M60, Laser Rifle, FN FAL, Assault Rifle
Extra Loot: 69-155 caps, some items from following bags: "Miscellaneous Big Bag", "Soft Drugs", "Healing Drugs", "Resources", "Spare Ammunition" and up to 2 super stimpaks per body.
Difficulty: Tough.