Talk to Charles in Hub and say that you're looking for work. If you have reached the 15th level he will show you a location of a small raider camp that should be cleaned out.
This quest is recommended for characters with 150hp or more and/or some decent armor and weapons, since you'll need to kill humanoid NPCs that carry weapons that can sometimes burst you 4 times in a row on long range (for example, there's an NPC carrying an Assault rifle). The smartest way to complete this quest successfully is moving hex by hex and falling back every time a single NPC starts chasing you. 3 or more Super Stimpacks and/or higher first aid skill will be required in case you attract 2 or 3 raiders at the same time.
After you kill all raiders you'll get a notification. Make sure you loot all the bodies, since this location will disappear after you exit to the worldmap.
Location map
Points of interest
- c - Container with a random loot.
- 100 positive karma.
- 1000 caps.
- 3500 experience points from Charles.
- 5500 for killing Raiders (550 for one; 10 of them in total).
- Raider stuff (see below).
Raiders carry:
- Combat Knife
- Assault Rifle
- Assault Rifle (Exp. Mag.)
- 2x Shotgun
- Wrench
- Desert Eagle
- Crowbar
- 14mm Pistol
- Scoped Hunting Rifle
(Raiders with small guns have a small amount of ammo)