Desert Mansion

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Desert Mansion
A modest building lost in the desert.
Price 40 000 caps
Seller Name & Location Katarina in Shady Sands
Base Size Extra Small
Amount of Containers 5
Parking Places 4
Other Notes -

Desert Mansion is a smallest base area in the game. It also one of the best looking base, its made of two buildings. One is main one and have inside few lockers, other is storeroom which has a bookshelf and a primitive workbench inside.

This base is ideal for one player that don't plan on having a loot of stuff but instead want to have quick access to every part of base - since map is so small its hard to lost anything there. A parking can hold up only 4 car which can be troubling at some step of the game.

A Seller location

Base Image

Points of interest

  • c1 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c2 - Container with: 1000 units of room.
  • c3 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • c4 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c5 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • t - Base terminal is located here.
  • w - Primitive Workbench placement.