Small Guns

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Small Guns

The use, care and general knowledge of small firearms - pistols, SMGs and rifles.
Modifies Chance to hit with small guns.
Starting Formula 5+(4xAG)
Notes Bang! Bang!


Small Guns is a category of firearms, as well as a skill related to them. Easy to find and to handle, with cheap and plentiful ammo, they are the best guns out there for beginners.

Small Guns offer various possibilities of gameplay, from close-range bursts to long-range sniping. Both low-level and high-level characters will find Small Guns useful. The first group will be happy to know that finding ammunition and weapons is easy, the second, with the use of some tactics, can be very deadly with advanced weapons.

A character's ability to hit a target with a Small Guns weapon relies on how much skill he has. The maximum skill one can have is 300%, but such extremes are rarely needed. Fighter characters with around 200% are valuable fighters already. Thanks to aimed shots, which allow the best of marksmen to hit another character from across the map, Small Guns are a weapon of choice for snipers.