"America The Beautiful"

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Note: This quest is currently blocked. There is no way of getting it.


How to join the Enclave NPC faction - "America the Beautiful" quest line.

The first thing you need to do is discover the Poseidon gas station on your worldmap. To do this you can either talk to trader Buck in the San Francisco tanker or finish the Kenny's quest by giving plans to the Enclave officer. There is also a third option. A pre-war data collector in Redding will mark the gas station location for you, but only after you sell him few of the parts that he's looking for. Got location on your awesome PipBoy worldmap? Good! Let's proceed. Try to get there without getting your ass penetrated by any of Enclave's patrols. This might require using a car, or some armed friends. However, if your Outdoorsman skill is high enough, you shouldn't have any difficulties getting there.

Part 1

Your first mission is to visit a place called the Glow. You need to connect your PipBoy to a Supercomputer.

Supercomputer is located all the way down, on level 4 inside the Glow. It's a very tough dungeon that no inexperienced wastelander will be able to explore on his (or her) own (we're not sexists here. Chicks dig this game... we know it!). So get some friends, eat some rad-x, and if possible, get a lockpicker character with an electronic lockpick set (for some rooms on level 3 and 4). After you got all that covered, go ahead and give it a try. There are no robots on the first level. Search through the area for a yellow card (if you can't find it, proceed carefully down to level 2 and 3, and cross your fingers.

If you're planning to do the whole dungeon remember to do ghoul's quest. Proceed with the elevator down to level 3. Kill all of the robots. Go to the other elevator and again... kill all the robots. Access the computer and then choose the Enclave dialogue option. Don't forget to loot the containers. If your team has a science guy or a repair guy and enough firepower, you could try to explore the final level. If your science skill is high enough (100% is enough - Checked in-game.), run the backup generator through the computer. If instead your repair skill is high enough, go down to level 6 and repair the generator there. Then proceed to the final, fifth level, where you'll find some very tough lockers. They require a good lockpick skill, but if you're successful (and since this is a high-tier dungeon) they could very likely contain some bitchin' loot. To get to two rooms on level 5 you'll need a blue pass key. To get the blue pass key you'll need to do one little task for a ghoul named Rombie who is located on level 1 (he'll ask you to get to the computer on level 2 and place a "worm"). Good luck!

Note: To get much more detailed information about Glow dungeon visit the Glow wiki page.


  • 4000 experience.

Part 2

You were briefed with securing the body of a Brotherhood Scribe from a tribal village. Should the tribals become hostile, you are free to use force to secure your target.

Compared to first quest this one is really easy. Just go to the location, kill absolutely everything that moves (including the poor defenseless brahmins; sick Enclave fucks) and then report back to the gas station. Don't forget to loot containers!


Tribal (A) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 203 Experience 200
Armor Class 26 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 12 Critical Chance 15
Action Points 9 Healing Rate 5

Szablon9.png 8/40% Szablon11.png 8/70%
Szablon15.png 7/50% Szablon10.png 7/60% Szablon13.png 8/40% Szablon12.png 6/60%

This ones are non lootable.
Tribal (B) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 81 Experience 60
Armor Class 5 Bonus Meele Damage 2
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 6
Action Points 7 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/0% Szablon11.png 0/0%
Szablon15.png 0/0% Szablon10.png 0/0% Szablon13.png 0/0% Szablon12.png 0/0%

Tribal (C) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 80 Experience 80
Armor Class 7 Bonus Meele Damage 1
Sequence 16 Critical Chance 5
Action Points 8 Healing Rate 1

Szablon9.png 0/0% Szablon11.png 0/0%
Szablon15.png 0/0% Szablon10.png 0/0% Szablon13.png 0/0% Szablon12.png 0/0%

Tribal (D) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 150 Experience 800
Armor Class 25 Bonus Meele Damage 15
Sequence 30 Critical Chance 20
Action Points 12 Healing Rate 3

Szablon9.png 2/25% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/20% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%

Tribal (E) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 203 Experience 200
Armor Class 26 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 12 Critical Chance 15
Action Points 9 Healing Rate 5

Szablon9.png 8/40% Szablon11.png 8/70%
Szablon15.png 7/50% Szablon10.png 7/60% Szablon13.png 8/40% Szablon12.png 6/60%

This ones are non lootable.
Tribal (F) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 85 Experience 65
Armor Class 6 Bonus Meele Damage 1
Sequence 12 Critical Chance 5
Action Points 8 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/0% Szablon11.png 0/0%
Szablon15.png 0/0% Szablon10.png 0/0% Szablon13.png 0/0% Szablon12.png 0/0%

Tribal Shaman Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 97 Experience 140
Armor Class 22 Bonus Meele Damage 2
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 8 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/10% Szablon11.png 0/10%
Szablon15.png 0/10% Szablon10.png 0/0% Szablon13.png 0/0% Szablon12.png 0/10%

Dog Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 44 Experience 80
Armor Class 5 Bonus Meele Damage 5
Sequence 6 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 7 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/15% Szablon11.png 0/15%
Szablon15.png 0/15% Szablon10.png 0/15% Szablon13.png 0/10% Szablon12.png 0/20%

Brahmin Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 53 Experience 80
Armor Class 4 Bonus Meele Damage 7
Sequence 6 Critical Chance 1
Action Points 7 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/2-% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/20% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/10% Szablon12.png 0/30%


Locaton map

Points of Interest

  • 1 - A Shovel laying on the ground.
  • 2 - A container with: hatchet.
  • 3 - A container with: flower.
  • 4 - A container with: x34 .44 Magnum FMJ ammunition. Desert Eagle, 78 caps, scorpion tail, dog tags, healing powder.
  • 5 - Empty container.
  • 6 - A container with: 3 healing powders.
  • 7 - A container with: flint, 3 broc flower, shovel.
  • 8 - Empty container.
  • 9 - A container with: 5 xander roots, 2 broc flowers.


  • 4000 experience
  • 3625 experience for going all "Hitler" on the tribals
  • Loot from containers and loot from the tribals

Loot from the tribals

What they have on their soon-to-be massacred bodies:

  • 8 throwing knifes
  • 5 knifes
  • 5 spears
  • 2 sharpened spears
  • 1 combat knife

Part 3

You next task is to download Brotherhood's outpost data from a recently abandoned installation. The defense turrets are still online, so proceed with extreme caution.

This place is filled with some really deadly turrets. Normally the best way to kill these defensive mechanisms is to snipe them. Unfortunately, this map area is very small, and therefore sniper-unfriendly. Each turret deals damage on the Avenger minigun level, has 500 hit points and gives only 200 experience after it has been destroyed. I had a lot of problem with clearing those towers. I think that the best idea is to gather a bunch of friends and rush them. But even with the help of your friends it's a really difficult mission.

What is worse, the containers in this map are god damn empty! Damn Brotherhood and their consistent discipline of not leaving anything behind! They didn't even leave a single piece of meat jerky for the Enclave.


Auto-Cannon Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 500 Experience 200
Armor Class 30 Bonus Meele Damage 2
Sequence 20 Critical Chance 10
Action Points 11 Healing Rate 3

Szablon9.png 8/40% Szablon11.png 8/70%
Szablon15.png 7/50% Szablon10.png 7/60% Szablon13.png 8/40% Szablon12.png 0/0%

The best way to deal with them is by using Sniper Rifle or any other weapon with more than 40 hexes of range.

Location map

Points of Interest

  • 1 - A computer that you need to reach, access and extract all the data out of it.
  • T - Turret position.


  • 1800 experience for destroying towers.
  • 8000 experience
  • 1 Enclave Armor.
  • You can see Navarro on your PipBoy worldmap.
  • You're a full member of the Enclave (congratz, you evil, evil person!).