Alpha Male Deathclaw

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Yo! It feels good to be iconic Fallout creature!


Also knownd as: "Bane of the big San Francisco Caravans". Its title is connected to short story. Let me tell you this story, those deathclaws are well know to journey alone or max in two heads. BUT if you are traveling in bigger numbered caravan to San Francisco those extremely intelligent creatures tends to gather up in whole bands numbered like 7 or more which is practically unstoppable force if encountered by not well prepared caravan.

It can't be that bad?
It can!


Alpha Male Deathclaw Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 1001 Experience 2500
Armor Class 40 Bonus Meele Damage 20
Sequence 22 Critical Chance 25
Action Points 12 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 10/50% Szablon11.png 8/20%
Szablon15.png 8/40% Szablon10.png 8/40% Szablon13.png 14/40% Szablon12.png 8/40%
