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Mercenaries aka Dogs of War are hirable guns. Well at least in theory. In practice group of npcs called Mercenaries are encounterable close to San Franciscko - they are hostille and will shoot on sight just like any other rogue encounter.

(What a dissapointment, when i first time encountered them i wanted to give them caps and make them fight together with me, instead they shoot me on sight...)

Other Informations

Location: Area close to San Francisco.
Weaponry: Small Guns and small energy guns.
Extra Loot: Caps, stimpaks and other minor loot.
Difficulty: 4/6 (A little tougher than avarage but not really.)


Mercenary (A) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 210 Experience 550
Armor Class 18 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 10 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/20% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/10% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%

Mercenary (B) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 204 Experience 550
Armor Class 18 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 10 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/20% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/10% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%

Mercenary (C) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 215 Experience 550
Armor Class 18 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 10 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/20% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/10% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%

Mercenary (D) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 204 Experience 550
Armor Class 18 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 10 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/20% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/10% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%

Mercenary (E) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 195 Experience 550
Armor Class 18 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 14 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 10 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 0/20% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/10% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%
