Old Shack

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Old Shack
Cramped and tiny, yet still providing some degree of protection.
Price 30 000 caps
Seller Name & Location Adria in Hub
Base Size Small
Amount of Containers 2
Parking Places 4
Other Notes -

Old Shack is a very small base. It cost only 30k so its good outpost type base for PvP players. In the inside of base you can find only 2 containers. Parking can hold up to 4 cars. While base is small the map itself is quite big and empty without any terrain blockades which make it good for making a carpets of stuff on the floor. To sum up: Small base, small caps.

A Seller location

Base Image

Points of interest

  • c1 - Container with: 500 units of room.
  • c2 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • t - Base terminal is located here.
  • w - Primitive Workbench placement.