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A medium-sized building with a lot of junk around it.
Price N/A
Seller Name & Location N/A
Base Size Medium
Amount of Containers 5
Parking Places 6
Other Notes Map Can only be acquired by finding it at dungeons or buying from other players.

Scrapheap is a rare base. A Scrapheap map can be only found in dungeons such as Sierra or Glow or be bought from other players.

This map looks like taken out straight from Junktown. Its made of 3 buildings, 2 big ones and one small. There's one Fridge, one ice chest and 3x locker - so 5 containers in total. Map can hold up to 6 vehicles.

The biggest advantage of this map is fact that its quite small yet there's a lot of building on it so planning out your own network of craftable containers is quite easy in this one. It also look really interesting and climatic. Probably the best fit for wasteland that value both game climate and usability of theirs bases.

The drawbacks of this base is its small size. There might not be enough of place for making carpets of stuff if you prefer doing so over holding items in containers.

Base Image

Points of interest

  • c1 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • c2 - Container with: 500 units of room.
  • c3 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c4 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c5 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • t - Base terminal is located here.
  • w - Primitive Workbench placement.