Trader Mansion

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Trader Mansion
A large, luxurious and spacious estate.
Price 100 000 caps
Seller Name & Location Duke in Redding
Base Size Large
Amount of Containers 20
Parking Places 6
Other Notes Base is equipped with two functioning waterpipes.

Trader Mansion is one of most expensive bases in the game. A Wastelander that will decide to puy up big amount of 100k caps will gain access to this big, full of containers base. Terrain consist of one big building and some outskirts. There is 20 containers total on Mansion, some of them being obvious places like bookshelves and desk, while other being crates and boxes that in most other bases woudn't be a containers. Parking can hold up to 6 cars. This base is perfect choice for main operation for both solo player and for gang hearth of operations.

A Seller location

Base Image

Points of interest

  • c1 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c2 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c3 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c4 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c5 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c6 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c7 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • c8 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c9 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • c10 - Container with: 500 units of room.
  • c11 - Container with: 750 units of room.
  • c12 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c13 - Container with: 750 units of room.
  • c14 - Container with: 500 units of room.
  • c15 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c16 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c17 - Container with: 800 units of room.
  • c18 - Container with: 2500 units of room.
  • c19 - Container with: 1000 units of room.
  • c20 - Container with: 250 units of room.
  • t - Base terminal is located here.
  • w - Primitive Workbench placement.
  • p - A Waterpipe.