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Trappers are gecko hunters living in and around Klamath in 2241. They make a living of off trapping geckos, skinning them, and selling their pelts. Their daily life is not an easy one filled with dangerous encounters.

They usually gather in small groups, hunting for gecko, rats and the occasional radscorpion. They can often be encountered in the vicinity of Klamath, patrolling the wasteland in search of mutated animals. Trappers have special trapping grounds where geckos are common. They do not have any official leaders, as what little organization they have is mostly based on a loose cooperation amongst themselves. Most of them live in their district in Klamath, Trapper Town, led by a man called Slim Picket.

Other Informations

Location: North of wasteland. Lands around Klamath, Modoc and other places.
Weaponry: Small Guns and Meele.
Extra Loot: Minor loot and caps.
Difficulty: Average.


Trapper (A) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 144 Experience 250
Armor Class 23 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 16 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 12 Healing Rate 2

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Trapper (B) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 146 Experience 250
Armor Class 28 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 16 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 12 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 3/25% Szablon11.png 1/20%
Szablon15.png 1/25% Szablon10.png 1/10% Szablon13.png 1/25% Szablon12.png 1/40%

Trapper (C) Vital Statistics Resistances (DT/DR) Notes
Hit Points 138 Experience 250
Armor Class 23 Bonus Meele Damage 3
Sequence 16 Critical Chance 3
Action Points 12 Healing Rate 2

Szablon9.png 2/25% Szablon11.png 0/20%
Szablon15.png 0/20% Szablon10.png 0/10% Szablon13.png 0/20% Szablon12.png 0/30%
