Desert Combat Armor

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Desert Combat Armor

Special version of Combat Armor Mark II with desert type camouflage.
AC bonus 35
Damage type Threshold Resistance
Normal 6 40
Laser 9 65
Fire 5 35
Plasma 5 50
Explode 9 45
Electrical 0 0
Anticrtical 20%
Durability 200%
Weight 11339 grams
Base Price 8000 caps
Where to find? *There is no regular way to currently obtain this armor, it can be found on Hunger Games Events though. It might be spawned as a reward for winning event or stuff like this.
Notes In session 2 it used to be anti sniper armor due to very high armor class bonus. Homever this session there's just few copies of this armor (or perhaps even just one copy!) One of holders of this rare armors is player called Night...well that is till he will lost it someone else.