"Brothers In Arms"
Note: This quest is currently blocked. There is no way of getting it.
Joining BoS Faction - Brothers in Arms.
To apply for BoS membership, you need to talk to Knight Matthews in Lost Hills. If you meet the requirements you will become an Initiate. It's important to remember that you can't be a member of any other faction, and you can't in any way be tied to the Enclave (but you can still join even if you had chosen the Enclave in Kenny's quest, though). Also, you have to be at least level 15.
Part 1: The Negotiator
Scribe Kendrick wants you to go to Vault City and convince the authorities to establish an official relations with Lost Hills, which would eventually enable BoS to set up a new bunker within Vault City, thus securing their loyalty even further. Go talk to McClure: First dialog option (the one about stuff that Brotherhood of Steel wants) will make Scribe Kendrick jump all over your balls and will benefit in only 1000 experience points. But don't worry, you'll get your next assignment no matter how badly you messed it up.
If you select the second dialog line (about BoS being the shield protecting the world from Super Mutants) this will only manage to place Vault City in a neutral position towards Brotherhood of Steel without getting any more information or benefits. If you decide to go with this option you will receive 2000 experience points and briefing about your next mission.
The best possible dialog line probably requires higher Intelligence (I believe it's 6, so make sure to use some Mentants before talking to McClure if you have less than that). Choose the line about teamwork and mutual benefits. If you do so your offer will still be rejected but you'll be able to ask McClure about his motives which will make you listen to some nice bear-knight analogies. This option will be rewarded with 4000 experience points and your next assignment.
Part 2: Reclaiming the Engine
This mission is pretty straightforward. Brotherhood of Steel needs Vertibird technology. Recently one of Enclave's Vertibirds has crashed somewhere around Boneyard area, and you are to go there and reclaim an engine part. There are 6 Enclave troopšers at that location (2x with M60s, 2x with Laser Rifles and 2x with Plasma Pistols). All of them are lootable and killing them will be worth around 6800 experience which is quite a nice value). Kill them and then go near the engine, click on it and reclaim it using Tools. It is done through a dialog option, so make sure you have tools in your inventory (you can find them in one of the containers on the map). Go back to Scribe Kendrick and you will receive 6000 experience. If you try to extract the parts without using Tools or by not having high enough repair skill you will receive only 3000 experience, and Scribe Kendrick will yell at you... again.
Note: Engine part is an item that doesn't have any description. Don't lose it as it must be delivered to Scribe Kendrick. If you lose it on your way back you won't be able to continue with this quest line.
Enclave Trooper (A) | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Enclave Trooper (B) | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Enclave Veteran Trooper (A) | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Location Map
Points of interest
- 1 - The engine.
- 2 - Container with: Box of noodles, tools, cigarettes.
- 3 - Container with: Pancor jackhammer, small dusty Box, rope, lighter.
- 4 - Container with: RadAway, 229 caps, 2 super stimpacks.
- 5 - Container with: Cat's Paw, dry meat.
- 6 - Container with: First aid kit, radio, 76 caps.
Part 3: Sabotage
This time you only need to blow up one small, secluded Enclave base. Of course you can expect this base to be heavily guarded, but hey, we can make it! After traveling to the location don't go directly ahead but instead go north around the edge of the map until you reach the ruined building with locked doors. Lockpick it and voila, you're inside the protected part of the base. Now browse through each and every box until you find all the necessary parts (explosives and detonator, 2 boxes in total, look at map if you're tired of looking for them). Don't get too close to the guards or they will spot you, which will open up a dialogue window. If they do spot you, try to talk bluff your way out of it. You can fail few times but once you burn your bluff they're going to attack. As for 13.02.2014 the guards will calm down after killing you, so you can try to sneak up again. Don't miss any of the boxes you find, since you will have to browse though a really large amount of boxes until you find the right ones. After you find the explosives and the detonator, arm them and get the hell out of there. Report back to Scribe Kendrick to get your reward.
The Aggressive Approach
If you kill all the guards in that location game will still assume that you're working under cover, so you won't be able to take stuff from boxes. Still, for killing guardsmen you will get a huge amount of weapons with perfect durability and a lot of additional experience. As for 20.02.2014 they will calm dawn every time they kill you so it's not that hard to wipe out the entire base. However it does require plenty of time.
Enclave Recruit | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Enclave Trooper (A) | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Enclave Trooper (B) | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Enclave Veteran Trooper | Vital Statistics | Resistances (DT/DR) | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
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Fake Merchant and His Guards
At the very start of map you can find Enclave fake Marchant and his Guards. They are armed in Energy Pistols. Each of them is marked in green on location map:
- 1 - Guard: 95 HP, Armed in: Magneto Pistol. XP for killing: 300 XP
- 2 - Dog: 203 HP. XP for killing: 200 XP
- 3 - Trader: 90 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol. XP for killing: 70 XP.
- 4 - Guard: 214 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol. XP for killing: 550 XP.
- 5 - Guard: 100 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol. XP for killing: 80 XP.
- 6 - Guard: 90 HP, Armed in: Magneto Pistol. XP for killing: 75 XP.
- 7 - Guard: 108 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol. XP for killing: 110 XP.
- 8 - Guard: 100 HP, Unarmed. XP for killing: 80 XP.
- 9 - Guard: 212 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol. XP for killing: 550 XP.
- 10 - Guard: 239 HP, Armed in: Magneto Pistol. XP for killing: 700 XP.
Experience gain in total for killing this group: 2715.
Enclave Recruits
Those are the main guardsman of this facility. They are tough, and carry various weapons. I marked them in red on location map. Each of them is granting 400 experience points upon killing. There are 32 of them in total.
- 11 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Improved Flamer.
- 12 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Rocket Launcher.
- 13 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Avenger. (Watch out he's dying in spot that's hard to loot from. Try to bait him if possible.)
- 14 - Enclave Recruit: 236 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
- 15 - Enclave Recruit: 236 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
- 16 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 17 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Rocket Launcher.
- 18 - Enclave Recruit: 236 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 19 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
- 20 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Rocket Launcher.
- 21 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 22 - Enclave Recruit: 236 HP, Armed in: Improved Flamer.
- 23 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle. (Watch out he's dying in spot that's hard to loot from. Try to bait him if possible.)
- 24 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Unarmed.
- 25 - Enclave Recruit: 236 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.). (This one surely like to tinker on his Rifles as he's the only one in entire map with extended capacity version.)
- 26 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Rocket Launcher.
- 27 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 28 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 29 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Rocket Launcher.
- 30 - Enclave Recruit: 236 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
- 31 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle. (He also have 5mm AP instead of MFC in inventory. Silly Enclave man doesn't know that he can't shoot 5mm AP in Plasma Rifle.)
- 32 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 33 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 34 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
- 35 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 36 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 37 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Unarmed.
- 38 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 39 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
- 40 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 41 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Avengeer.
- 42 - Enclave Recruit: 244 HP, Armed in: Laser Rifle.
Experience gain in total for killing Recruits: 12800.
Enclave Trooper
Those are the leaders of Recruits. Strong, tough and deadly for outsiders. There is just 10 of them, killing each of them is worth 500 experience. They are marked in pink on the location map.
- 43 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 44 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 45 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol.
- 46 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Pulse Pistol.
- 47 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 48 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Pulse Pistol.
- 49 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
- 50 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Plasma Rifle.
- 51 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Plasma Pistol.
- 52 - Enclave Trooper 347 HP, Armed in: Avenger.
Experience gain in total for killing Troopers: 5000.
Location map
Points of interest
- C1 - Container with: Lighter
- C2 - Empty Container
- C3 - Container with: 2x Stimpak, RadAway, Ligher, First Aid Kit, 145 Caps
- C4 - Container with: Cigarettes, 19 Caps, Tools.
- C5 - Container with: Shovel, cigarettes, 56 caps.
- C6 - Container with: 45 caps, EMP grenade, 3 plasma grenades.
- C7 - Container with: 23 caps, cigarettes, radio, laser rifle.
- C8 - Container with: Energy transformer, cat's paw, lighter, pulse pistol.
- C9 - Container with: 46 caps, plasma pistol.
- C10 - Container with: Cigarettes, 3 plasma grenades.
- C11 - Container with: First aid kit, RadAway.
- C12 - Container with: 5 caps, water flask, rope.
- C13 - Container with: 2 Stimapk, 13 SEC, Laser Pistol.
- C14 - Container with no access. (Damm there's for sure APA's or Implants stored. If i coud just blow this chair or you know...move it.)
- Yellow Path - An unguarded path to base inside.
- 10000 experience
- Brotherhood Armor.
- You just joined the Brotherhood of Steel faction. Congratulations!