.44 Magnum (Speed Load)

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.44 Magnum (Speed Load)

A .44 Magnum Revolver with a speed loader. Min ST: 5.
Damage 19 - 28
Single AP: 4
Range 22
Damage type Normal
Ammo 44jhp.gif or 44fmj.gif
Ammo capacity 6
Weapon perk Fast Reload
Strength required 5
Item Durability 100
Weight 2267 grams
Base price 800 caps
Exp for crafting 60
Blueprint Yes
Requirments to craft: 1xMagnum2.gif2xMetal trash.gif
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Notes After upgrading the weapon reload cost is now equal to 1 action point. It is still a pretty bad gun though.