Tax Collecting At NCR
NCR Tax Collecting
This events also known as "Bank Event" it's one of most important event's happening in Shady Sands. NCR is a rich republic controlling fair bit of territory, and Shady Sands is the Capitol of NCR. Every Caravan that head in and out of the town (and there's plenty of them) is paying taxes to local bank located in Shady. After a while when enough caps is being accumulated bank vaults become open and NCR Republic starts a collection process. An opening for outsiders and vilified factions to take advantage of.
Gamewise - Firstly a global message appears informing everyone(That has global messages on) about whats about to happen, then a room in NCR Bank, that's usually always locked become opened. There's several containers filled with caps there. The sum of the capsis always very big, being counted in millions.
Such great amount of caps is easily attracting a lot of attention to the town. NCR members are being called to arms to protect the town (and more important to protect the caps), their objective is to take the caps out of the town (they can't use the Presidential exit as it is temporary blocked), while every gang that is enemy to Republic will try to steal the money.
During event the NCRs most solid defensive line, the Forcefield is disabled. Only the iron will and basic knowledge of PvP from Shady Sands personnel stands in a way of ruthless attacking gangs of PvP hardened players. Who will emerge victorious? Who will claim the caps? Where did Xsarq hide my candy bars? Questions only NCR can answer through their actions.
This events used to happen very rarely, and is mostly designed for team fights. If you're solo players you can still count, but don't really hope on getting any caps as the town becomes huge battleground during this event.
This events while being part of weekly/monthly automatic event schedule is NOT taking part in event token generation, thus while rare it is not as appealing as other from the schedule list, except if you're looking for nice big PvP fights in which case this is exactly what you need.
Video Footage
- First Bank Event
NCR Defense! |
- Second Bank Event
NCR Defense 2! |