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See the bottom of this page for a list of all the ammo types.

Ammunitions are needed to make your weapon able to shoot at various targets. Quite useful. In Detail section of the tables you`ll find weird abrevations. Heres quick explonation:

DM Mod

Damage adjustment, or "DM mod" for short, is a property of ammunition that affects the damage range of the weapon currently loaded with said ammunition.

Example: If a weapon's damage range is 50-100, and you load it with ammunition whose DM mod is 2/1, the weapon's damage range will effectively be increased to 100-200.

DR Mod

Damage resistance modifier, or "DR mod" for short, is a property of ammunition that affects your target's Damage resistance.

Example: If your target's DR is 30, and the ammunition you're using has a DR mod of 30, your target's DR is effectively 30 + 30 = 60 when the damage your shots inflict upon that target is being calculated.

AC Mod

Armor Class modifier, or "AC mod" for short, is a property of ammunition that affects the AC of any target that said ammunition is fired at.

Example: If your target's AC is 100, and you're using ammunition whose AC mod is -10, your target's AC will effectively be lowered to 100 - 10 = 90 when your chance to hit that target is being calculated.

Ammo Details

Craftable Ammo

Small Energy Cells

A small, self-contained energy storage unit.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod 0
Weight 34 grams
Base price 10 caps
Requirments to craft 2xMetal trash.gif2xV15comp.gif
Crafts a bath of 50.
Exp for Craft 250
Notes Useful ammo, don't get rid of it. It is also usable as a car fuel.

.223 FMJ

A case of ammunition, .223 caliber, Full Metal Jacket.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -30%
AC Mod -20
Weight 18 grams
Base price 4 caps
Requirments to craft 3xMetal trash.gif2xJunk.gif6xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 330
Notes Best Small Guns use it, also LSW is fueled by this ammo - keep it.

12 ga. Shotgun Shells

Shotgun ammunition. This particular ammo is marked: "12-gauge shells, not for use by children under the age of 3."
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod -30
Weight 22 grams
Base price 2 caps
Requirments to craft 2xJunk.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Exp for Craft 155
Notes Since all Shotguns use this ammo, it's wise to keep it, as you never know when you might need H&K CAWS right?

10mm JHP

Ammunition. Caliber: 10mm, jacketed hollow-points
DM Mod 2/1
DR mod 30%
AC Mod 0
Weight 18 grams
Base price 3 caps
Requirments to craft 2xJunk.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Exp for Craft 155
Notes Basic ammo, usable for farming with many pistols, most importantly with P90c.

10mm AP

Ammunition. Caliber: 10mm, armor piercing.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -35%
AC Mod 0
Weight 18 grams
Base price 4 caps
Requirments to craft 3xMetal trash.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 275
Notes Valuable ammo, try to hoard it, if possible. It has Armor Piercing. Mostly used by gun called P90c

5mm JHP

A brick of small, lightweight ammunition. Caliber: 5mm, jacketed hollow-point.
DM Mod 2/1
DR mod 40%
AC Mod 0
Weight 9 grams
Base price 2 caps
Requirments to craft 4xJunk.gif6xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 2
Exp for Craft 350
Notes This ammunition is only useful against lowly armored targets such as Rogues or players wearing leather jackets.

5mm AP

A brick of small caliber ammunition. 5mm armor piercing.
DM Mod 2/3
DR mod -35%
AC Mod 0
Weight 9 grams
Base price 2 caps
Requirments to craft 6xMetal trash.gif6xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 2
Exp for Craft 450
Notes Ammo used mainly by Bursters. Keep as much as possible as both Minigun and Avenger Minigun users needs it badly.

.44 Magnum JHP

A brick of ammunition, .44 magnum caliber, hollow-points.
DM Mod 3/1
DR mod 50%
AC Mod 0
Weight 22 grams
Base price 2 caps
Requirments to craft 2xJunk.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Exp for Craft 155
Notes Ammo used in Desert Eagles and Magnums. If you`re not planning to use them get rid of this ammo.

.44 Magnum FMJ

A brick of ammunition, .44 magnum caliber, full metal jacket.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -20%
AC Mod 0
Weight 45 grams
Base price 2 caps
Requirments to craft 3xMetal trash.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 275
Notes A little better than it's JHP vartiant, still it's very marginal ammo that is very rarely used.


Ammunition. Caliber: 7.62mm.
DM Mod 12/10
DR mod -15%
AC Mod -5
Weight 22 grams
Base price 7 caps
Requirments to craft 3xMetal trash.gif2xJunk.gif6xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 330
Notes This ammunition is mostly used with m60 and FN FAL. Its worth to keep it.

.45 Caliber

Ammunition. .45 Caliber.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod 0
Weight 45 grams
Base price 7 caps
Requirments to craft 2xJunk.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 155
Notes Nice source of gunpowder for crafting other ammo as you probably will never use this one.

Flamethrower Fuel

A cylinder containing an extremely flammable liquid fuel for flamethrowers.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0
AC Mod -20
Weight 453 grams
Base price 12 caps
Requirments to craft 5xGutrot.gif
Crafts a batch of 30.
Exp for Craft 75
Notes It's heavy, it's useless AND what's worst - it can't be scienced.

Flamethrower Fuel MKII

This flamethrower fuel uses an advanced super-burn mix.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -40%
AC Mod -20
Weight 453 grams
Base price 25 caps
Requirments to craft 1xChemcomp.png30xTank.gif
Crafts a bath of 30.
Profession: Gunsmith 2
Exp for Craft 60
Notes It's much better than original flamer fuel. If you plan on using flamer this is the right ammo.

9mm Ball

A collection of ancient 9x19mm rounds. Heavy grease to preserve them from the environment. Standard bullets.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -15%
AC Mod 0
Weight 45 grams
Base price 5 caps
Requirments to craft 2xJunk.gif3xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 105
Notes Ammo for Mauser. In other words: ammo you can safely science.

HN Needler Cartridge

Ammunition. This cartridge appears to be ammo for the HN Needler Pistol. Each 'bullet' is a small hypodermic designed to inject a target with its contents upon impact.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod -10
Weight 15 grams
Base price 8 caps
Requirments to craft 3xMetal trash.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 2
Exp for Craft 275
Notes Common ammo for Needler Pistol, far worse than silver one as its cant kill vampires or zombies but still usable.

14mm AP

Large caliber ammunition. 14mm armor piercing.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -50%
AC Mod 0
Weight 15 grams
Base price 5 caps
Requirments to craft 4xMetal trash.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Gunsmith 2
Exp for Craft 325
Notes 14mm is nice ammo used by Fast Shooters with 14mm Pistols. Keep it. It has Armor Piercing.

Explosive Rocket

A rocket with a large explosive warhead.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod 0
Weight 1360 grams
Base price 120 caps
Requirments to craft 6xMetal trash.gif5xGunpowder.gif
Crafts a bath of 10.
Profession: Gunsmith 1
Exp for Craft 425
Notes So expensive to craft, yet so useless.

Rocket AP

A rocket shell, with a smaller explosive, but designed to pierce armor plating.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -30%
AC Mod -15
Weight 1360 grams
Base price 400 caps
Requirments to craft 8xMetal trash.gif6xGunpowder.gif2xV15comp.gif
Crafts a bath of 10.
Profession: Gunsmith 2
Exp for Craft 670
Notes Important rockets for PvP, also NPC merchants love those rockets. They have Armor Piercing.

Micro Fusion Cell

A medium sized energy production unit. Self-contained fusion plant.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod 0
Weight 45 grams
Base price 20 caps
Requirments to craft 3xMetal trash.gif3xRock4.gif
Crafts a bath of 100.
Profession: Scientist 2


Crafts a bath of 30.
Profession: Scientist 2
Exp for Craft 450/100(normal/converting from SEC)
Notes Usefull ammo, valued by both NPCs and other players. You can also use it as a car fuel!


Other Ammo

Slug Shells

A heavy lead projectile, with a plastic tip, intended for use in a shotgun and often used for hunting large game.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -35%
AC Mod 0
Weight 22 grams
Base price 11 caps
Where to Find? NPCs driven shops.
Sierra Caves
Notes A very powerful ammunition. If your enemies are using it, even the most powerful armors you could wear will be exposed to risk of being penetrated.

4.7mm Caseless

4 7mm.gif
Ammunition. Caliber: 4.7mm, caseless.
DM Mod 3/2
DR mod -20%
AC Mod -5
Weight 9 grams
Base price 12 caps
Where to Find? Dungeons
Notes Ammunition used by G11, G11E and Vindicator. It's very expensive, since this ammo is rare.

2mm EC

DM Mod 3/2
DR mod -20%
AC Mod -30
Weight 9 grams
Base price 8 caps
Where to Find? Dungeons
Notes Awesome ammo for awesome guns. Very rare.


A package of BB's from before the war. In excellent condition. Stainless steel.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod 0
Weight 45 grams
Base price 1 caps
Where to Find? Thugs Encounters
Notes Ammo for BB gun. Nothing special.


Ammunition. Caliber: 9mm.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod 0
Weight 22 grams
Base price 5 caps
Where to Find? Random NPC`s encounters.
Notes A bad version of 9mm bals ammo. Quite common.

HN AP Needler Cartridge

Ammunition. This cartridge appears to be armor-piercing ammo for the HN Needler Pistol. The hypodermic tips are made of a strange alloy and are incredibly sharp.
DM Mod 2/1
DR mod 0%
AC Mod -10
Weight 45 grams
Base price 30 caps
Where to Find? Higher tier NPC`s encounters like Mutants or Rogues.
Notes Awesome ammo that doubles the damage dealt by Needler.

.50 Caliber

The .50 Caliber is a cartridge developed in the late 1910s, entering service officially in 1921. Due to the high balistic coefficient of the bullet, the trajectory also suffers less from cross-winds than smaller and lighter calibers, making the .50 Caliber round a good choice for high-powered sniper rifles.
DM Mod 1/1
DR mod -30%
AC Mod -20
Weight 18 grams
Base price 10 caps
Where to Find? A very rare spawn from dungeons.
Notes Hey! Its ammo used by Bozars!


Ammo Usage

Ammo Weapons
Small Energy Cell


Power Fist | Ripper | Cattle Prod | Super Cattle Prod | Mega Power Fist | Laser Pistol | Magneto-Laser Pistol | Plasma Pistol | Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.) | YK32 Pulse Pistol | Alien Blaster| Phazer

Gaunt.gif Vblade.gif Cprod3.gif Catprod2.gif Mpwrfist.gif Lasergun.gif Mlaspist.gif Glock.gif Plaspst2.gif Pulsepst.gif Ufogun.gifPhazer.gif

Micro Fusion Cell


Laser Rifle | Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.) | Plasma Rifle | Turbo Plasma Rifle | YK42B Pulse Rifle | Gatling Laser |

Lrifle.gif Lrifle2.gif Plasma.gif Plas2.gif Pulserif.gif Minilazr.gif

.223 FMJ


Hunting Rifle | Scoped Hunting Rifle | .223 Pistol | Sniper Rifle | Light Support Weapon |

Hrifle.gif Hrifle2.gif Decker.gif Sniper.gif Lightsup.gif

.50 Caliber




12 ga. Shotgun Shells | Slug Shells

Ssshells.gif Slugshells.png

Shotgun | Sawed-Off Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | H&K CAWS | Pancor Jackhammer

Shotgun6.gif Soshotgn.gif Assshot.gif Hkcaws.gif Jackhamr.gif

10mm JHP | 10mm AP

10mmjhp.gif 10mmap.gif

Zip Gun | 10mm Pistol | 10mm SMG | HK P90c | Pipe Rifle

Zipgun.gif Pistol.gif Uzi.gif Hkp90c.gif Springun.gif

5mm JHP | 5mm AP

5mmjhp.gif 5mmap.gif

Minigun | Avenger Minigun | XL70E3 | Assault Rifle | Assault Rifle (Exp. Mag.)

Minigun.gif Aminigun.gif Indweap.gif Grifle.gif Assrifl2.gif

.44 Magnum JHP | .44 Magnum FMJ

44jhp.gif 44fmj.gif

Desert Eagle .44 | Desert Eagle (Exp. Mag.) | .44 Magnum Revolver | .44 Magnum (Speed Load)

Magnum.gif Deagle2.gif Magnum2.gif 44mspeed.gif



FN FAL | M60

Fnfal.gif M60.gif

4.7mm Caseless

4 7mm.gif

H&K G11 | H&K G11E | Vindicator Minigun

Hkg11.gif Hkg11e.gif Vminigun.gif

.45 Caliber


Tommy Gun | M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG

Tommygun.gif Greasegn.gif

2mm EC


PPK12 Gauss Pistol | M72 Gauss Rifle

Gaussptl.gif M72gauss.gif

Flamethrower Fuel | Flamethrower Fuel MKII

Tank.gif Flmfuel2.gif

Flamer | Improved Flamer

Flamethr.gif Iflameth.gif



Red Ryder LE BB Gun | Red Ryder BB Gun


9mm | 9mm Ball

9mm.gif Bullet.gif

9mm Mauser


HN Needler Cartridge | HN AP Needler Cartridge

Hncart.gif Hnapcart.gif

Needler Pistol


14mm AP


14mm Pistol


Explosive Rocket | Rocket AP

Shell2.gif Rshell.gif

Rocket Launcher
