Sawed-Off Shotgun

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Sawed-Off Shotgun

Someone took the time to chop the last few inches off the barrel and stock of this shotgun. Now, the wide spread of this hand-cannon's short-barreled shots makes it perfect for short-range crowd control. Min ST: 4.
Damage 29 - 42
Single AP: 4
Burst AP: 5, 2 bullets per burst
Range 9(7 for burst)
Damage type Normal
Ammo Ssshells.gif or Slugshells.png
Ammo capacity 2
Weapon Perk Long Range
Strength required 4
Item Durability 100
Weight 1814 grams
Base price 800 caps
Exp for crafting 0
Blueprint No
Requirments to craft: 1x Shotgun6.gif
Small Guns 70%
Notes With 7 hex range this weapon perk is truly good fit. It has chance of Knockdowning the target.