Broken Car

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A Typical Khan Raider, during this encounter.


Highwayman do not know how to change a wheel and need assistance. Their patrol is stuck near San Francisco caravan depot.

There are some things in life are never changers: Taxes, Death and the fact that your car is bitch. A Car breakdown is something that could happen to anyone - no matter if you're bandit or noble citizen, one day your car will refuse to work while being in the middle of the wasteland. A Broken Car event is a small and quick one. On the event zone you will find one car (Buggy/Scout) and few aggressive NPCs next to it (2 in case of Buggy, 4 when Scout is involved). Even if you would want to offer them some help, you can't, since they are shooting you on sight like douche bags (perhaps panic attack?) and most likely you will have to deliver a slow, painful death (No shit, Sherlock!). After you clear them out, you can loot car's trunk. The car itself is unrepairable, you can't take it. Well except that one time when you find GM in party mood (Click!)

There is 7 possible variants of enemy. They could be: Bandits, Robbers, Highwaymen, Raiders, Rouges, Khans or Regulators. The stronger NPC's you meet the better loot will be in the trunk, although from my experience its never nothing really spectacular as usually its just some caps, munition and sometimes random low tier blueprint.

Encounter Versions

There are 4 event maps, with 2 possible cars (so 8 variants of this encounter in total). Unfortunely i never got to find scout version for map variant C and D. Blame Miss Random. Since the amount of enemies in this encouters is low there is no need to discuss every variant. Just charge right next to car, kill whonever oposse you and loot your reward.

Points of Interest

The only interesting thing in every location variant is a car itself. Well to be exact a Car trunk. Remember - you can't loot is along as NPC's are alive. Considering that you are in that location they surely won't be alive for too long.


Despite Wipe Changelog stating that its possible to meet Rogues, Khans or Regulators variant of Broken car i never did. Its possible that they are still blocked due to global progression tree or i'm just unlucky. Anyway probably the toughest enemies you can encounter as for 03.03.2015 are gang members.