Big Guns

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Big Guns

The operation and maintenance of really big guns - miniguns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and such.
Modifies Chance to hit with big guns.
Starting Formula 2xAG
Notes Dak! Dak! Dak! Dak! Dak!


Big Guns is a category of firearms and the skill related to them. They are harder to find than Small Guns, and they are mostly available for experienced players. They add to the variety of tactics you have with Small Guns with explosions (Rocket Launcher) or getting close and personal (Flamer). Big gangs will often use these weapons because they have massive firepower.

Beginners will rarely use Big Guns on their first character, due to the fact that they are hard to craft, find, and even purchase. Their ammo is more rare than the Small Guns and depletes much faster, since the Big Guns have only burst fire options, except the Rocket Launcher. Big Guns users need to have a high Strength to use their weapon, and they also generally should have lot of hit points to be able to take a lot of damage as they mostly have a tank function.

Big Guns use burst mode, meaning they burst a certain amount of bullets in one attack. The Bonus Ranged Damage perk is an excellent choice here, since it adds damage to each single bullet.The Strong Back perk allows to carry a few more cans of Flamethrower Fuel or a few more Rockets.

Big Guns deal Normal, Fire and Explode damage, depending on the weapon.