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Similar to traits, perks are used to further shape and develop your character, but unlike traits they don't have any downsides at all, though some of them are more useful than others.

If you meet the requirements you will be able to choose one perk after each three levels, up to level 24 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24). You'll be able to choose 8 perks. Some perks, such as Action Boy or Toughness, are stackable; for example, if you take "Action Boy" twice, you will have two extra Action Points.


You cannot use drugs to meet the perk requirements; the base values are used. However, you can take the +2 stat perks (Gain Strength, Gain Agility, etc.) to qualify for other perks.

Perks List

Regular Perks

These perks can be obtained by leveling up your character.

Action Boy

Each level of Action Boy (insert Girl if you wish) gives you an additional action point to spend every combat turn. You can use these generic APs on any task.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments AG 5
Effect +1 to your action points.
Ranks 2

Adrenaline Rush

With this Perk, you gain +1 to your AP and +10% DR when you drop below half of your maximum hit points.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments Strength less than 10
Effect When your HP are below 50% :
+10% to all Resistances
+1 Action Point
Ranks 1


You are a lucky bastard and get 18% chance to avoid critical for each level of this Perk.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments None
Effect 18% chance to avoid a critical hit.
Ranks 1

Better Criticals

The critical hits you cause in combat are more devastating. You gain a 20% bonus on the critical hit table, almost ensuring that more damage will be done. This does not affect the chance to cause a critical hit.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments PE 7, LK 7, AG 4
Effect +20 on critical hit roll table (this does not increase your chance to score a critical hit; it only increases the damage potential of your critical hits).
Ranks 1

Bonus HtH Attacks

You have learned the secret arts of the East, or you just punch faster. In any case, your Hand-to-Hand attacks cost 1 AP less to perform.
Required Level 15
Other Requirments AG 6
Effect Hand-to-hand attacks cost 1 less action point.
Ranks 1

Bonus HtH Damage

xperience in unarmed combat has given you the edge when it comes to damage. You cause +10 points of damage with hand-to-hand and melee attacks.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments AG 6, ST 6
Effect +10 to meele damage.
Ranks 1

Bonus Ranged Damage

Your training in firearms and other ranged weapons has made you more deadly in ranged combat. For each level of this Perk, you do +2 points of damage with ranged weapons.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments AG 6, LK 6
Effect Add +2 damage per bullet.
Ranks 2

Bonus Rate of Fire

This Perk allows you to pull the trigger a little faster and still remain as accurate as before. Each ranged weapon attack costs 1 AP less to perform.
Required Level 15
Other Requirments AG 7, IN 6, PE 6
Effect Ranged weapon attacks cost 1 less action point.
Ranks 1

Cautious Nature

You are more alert outdoors and enemies are less likely to sneak up on you. With this Perk you get a +3 to your perception in random encounters when determining placement.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments PE 6
Effect You are being spawned in best possible placement.
Ranks 1


You are less likely to be hit in combat if you have this Perk. You gain a +40 to your Armor Class, in addition to the AC bonus from any armor worn.
Required Level 9
Other Requirments AG 6
Effect +40 to armor class.
Ranks 1

Earlier Sequence

You are more likely to move before your opponents in combat, since your Sequence is +6 for each level of this Perk.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments PE 6
Effect +6 to sequence.
Ranks 1


Each level of Educated adds +2 skill points when you gain a new experience level. This Perk works best when purchased early in your adventure.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments IN 6
Effect +2 additional skill points every time you reach a new level. Works beyond level 26 too!
Ranks 1

Gain Agility

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Agility.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments AG < 9
Effect +2 to your agility.
Ranks 1

Gain Charisma

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Agility.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments CH < 9
Effect +2 to your agility.
Ranks 1

Gain Endurance

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Endurance.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments END < 9
Effect +2 to your endurance.
Ranks 1

Gain Intelligence

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Intelligence.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments INT < 9
Effect +2 to your intelligence.
Ranks 1

Gain Luck

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Luck.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments LK < 9
Effect +2 to your luck.
Ranks 1

Gain Perception

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Perception.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments PE < 9
Effect +2 to your perception.
Ranks 1

Gain Strength

With this Perk you gain +2 to your Strength.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments ST < 9
Effect +2 to your strength.
Ranks 1


When the sun goes down or you are in a poorly lit area, you move like a ghost with this Perk. Your Sneak skill is enhanced +30% in dark conditions.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments Sneak 60%
Effect +30% to your sneak skill during in game (night from 18 to 6) but it mean actual built in time, which you can check pressing "/" key. Other variables like location, building, etc. doesn't matter. Sneak can go over 300% when a check for your detection is being made.
Ranks 1


Your innocent demeanor makes stealing from people a little easier. You gain 40% to your Steal skill.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments Steal 50%
Effect +40% to your steal skill.
Ranks 1


The healing of bodies comes easier to you with this Perk. Each level of this Perk heals 10 additional hit points when using the First Aid skill.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments PE 7, AG 6, IN 5, First Aid 40%
Effect +10hp at the end of healing calculation per rank.
Ranks 2

HtH Evade

If both item slots are empty, each unused action point gives you a +2 instead of +1 towards your armor class at the end of your turn, plus 1/12 of your unarmed skill.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments SG skill not higher than 110% and BG, EW not higher than 100%
CC skill 200%
Effect 10% less chance to hit you while using close combat weapons (in both slots).
Ranks 1


You gain an additional 40 Hit Points.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments EN 4
Effect +40 to Hit Points.
Ranks 2

Light Step

You are agile, lucky, and always careful. This perk reduces your chances of setting off a trap by 90%.
Required Level 9
Other Requirments AG 5, LK 5
Effect Reduces the chance to set off a trap (-90%).
Ranks 1

Living Anatomy

You have a better understanding of living creatures and their strengths and weaknesses. You get a one-time bonus of +10% to Doctor, and you do +5 damage per attack to living creatures.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments Doctor 60%
Effect +20% (yes +20%, not +10%) to your doctor skill
+5 damage bonus to all living creatures.
Ranks 1

Magnetic Personality

You get 2 extra slot in your companion limit, but don't forget that more than 5 is always a crowd.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments None
Effect Adds two additional traveler slots.
Ranks 1

Master Thief

A Master Thief is proficient in stealing and picking locks. You gain +20 to Stealing and Lock picking. Steal from the rich, and give it to you.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments Steal 50%, Lockpick 50%
Effect +20% to your steal and lockpick skills.
Ranks 1


The Medic Perk gives you +25% less timeout to the First Aid and Doctor skills. Healing skills are a good thing.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments First Aid 40%, Doctor 40%
Effect +25% to your first aid and doctor skills. Additionally, both FA and DOC timeouts are halved. (Remember that min. cooldown is 18 seconds.)
Ranks 1

More Critical

You are more likely to cause critical hits in combat if you have this Perk. Each level of More Critical gets you an additional +8% chance to cause a critical hit.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments LK 6
Effect +8% to your critical chance.
Ranks 2

Mr. Fixit

This Perk will give you a one-time bonus of +10% to the Repair and Science skills. A little late night cramming never hurt anybody, especially you.
Required Level 12
Other Requirments Repair 40%, Science 40%
Effect +10% to your repair and science skills.
Ranks 1


You are much more adept at stealing than the normal crook. With this Perk, you ignore size and facing modifiers when stealing from a person.
Required Level 15
Other Requirments AG 8, Steal 80%
Effect Ignores item size and character facing modifiers when stealing.
Ranks 1

Quick Hands

You have learned to pack your equipment better. Now the manipulation of the items in the inventory costs half the AP, and reload and use costs 1 AP less.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments AG 5
Effect Inventory action point cost is halved. Additionally, reload and use actions will only cost you 1 action point.
Ranks 1

Quick Recovery

You are quick at recovering from being knocked down.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments AG 5
Effect Quick recovery exchange knockdown action point punishment from -3 AP into -1 AP and halves the KO timeout.
Ranks 1


You have a talent for hitting things at longer distances. For each level of this Perk, you get a +2 bonus to Perception for the purposes of determining range modifiers. It's easier than ever to kill at long range!
Required Level 9
Other Requirments PE 7, IN 6
Effect Adds +8% to your chance to hit. It also adds 2 points of perception for determining range
Ranks 1

Silent Death

While Sneaking, if you hit a critter in the back, you will cause double damage using a hand-to-hand attack. Silent Death is that kind of Perk.
Required Level 18
Other Requirments AG 10, Sneak 80%, Close Combat 80%
Effect Doubles the damage of your hand-to-hand attacks when attacking your enemies from behind.
Ranks 1

Silent Running

With this Perk, you now have the ability to move quickly and still remain quiet. You can Sneak and run at the same time. Without this Perk, you would automatically stop Sneaking if you ran.
Required Level 6
Other Requirments AG 6, Sneak 50%
Effect Ability to sneak and run at the same time.
Ranks 1


You are much less likely to be knocked down in combat.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments ST 6
Effect Gives a evade roll equal to 5xEN when being Knockdowned or Knocked out.
Ranks 1


The blood of a thief runs through your veins. With the Thief Perk, your steal cooldown 10 sec less. A well rounded thief is a live thief.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments None
Effect -10 seconds bonus to your steal timeout. It also adds a chance for no timeout.
Ranks 1


hen you are tough, you take less damage. Each level of this Perk adds +8% to your general damage resistance.
Required Level 3
Other Requirments EN 6
Effect +8% to all types of damage resistance.
Ranks 2

Weapon Handling

You can wield weapons much larger than normally allowed. You gain a +3 to your strength for the purposes of Strength checks when trying to wield weaponry.
Required Level 9
Other Requirments AG 5
Effect +3 bonus to your strength for weapon handling strength checks. This perk does not increase your carry weight, nor does it increase your melee damage.
Ranks 1



Perks that you can get after meeting certain requirments.

Albert the Abberation

You have killed Abberation. You will do +5 more damage to centaurs and floaters.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to kill the Abberation living in the tanker holds to gain this perk.
Effect +5 bonus damage against centaurs and floaters.
Ranks 1


With Awareness, you are given detailed information about any critter you examine. You see their exact hit points and information about any weapon they are equipped with.
Genre Achievement
Requirments Perk is gained automatically after reaching the 26th level.
Effect Detailed info about examined critters (how much hit points they have, which weapons they use etc.)
Ranks 1

Commander Down

You have killed Commander. You will do +5 more damage to mutants.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to kill the Commander living in the Ares level 3 to gain this perk.
Effect +5 bonus damage against super mutants.
Ranks 1

Heave Ho!

Your long practise in throwing objects improved your technique significantly. Because of that, your effective throwing range is now longer.[+6 range]
Genre Achievement
Requirments In order to get this perk you need to kill 100 humanoids with throwing weapons (any combination of men, women, children, ghouls or mutants will do).
Effect +6 hex bonus to your throwing range.
Ranks 1

I want to believe

Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to kill the Chupacabra living in the Broken Hills.
Effect Doesn't do anything. Except forcing you to rewatch certain episode of X-files.
Ranks 1

Kill Gore

You have killed Gore. You will do +5 more damage to rats and all other bad bad squeakers.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to kill the Kilgore living in the Reloade...ught i mean Gore living in vault 15.
Effect +5 bonus damage against all kinds of rats.
Ranks 1

Mother of God

You have killed Deathclaw Mother. You will do +5 more damage to deathclaws.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to kill the Mother Deathclaw in the Warehouse to gain this perk.
Effect +5 bonus damage against deathclaws.
Ranks 1

Pack Rat

You are efficient at arranging your inventory in general. This makes it much easier to carry that little extra you've always needed.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to finish Boxes Lifting job 10 times.
Effect +20 to your carry weight.
Ranks 1


The Pathfinder is better able to find the shortest route. With this Perk, your travel time on the World Map is reduced by 30%, also you gain a +30% toward your Outdoorsman skill
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to Do a Delivery for a Gecko Express at least 15 times.
Effect +30% Outdoorsman
You are faster when travelling on worldmap.
Ranks 1


You do extra damage with fire-based weapons, and enemies always seem to die in the most painful fiery fashion. You deal +50 more damage with fire-based weapons.
Genre Achievement
Requirments To obtain this achievement you need to kill 100 humanoids with a flamer or improved flamer (any combination of men, women, children, ghouls or mutants will do).
You also need to be at least level 26
Effect +25 more damage against non players while using flame weapons.
+50 more damage againt players while using flame weapons.
Ranks 1

Shady Sands Citizenship

You are proud citizen of New California Republic. You should be recognized by military and possibly not shot on sight depending on their orders. Citizenship can be lost by taking hostile actions to your town.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to fill the form in NCR office.
Effect NCR Members might not shoot you.
Ranks 1

Wasteland Is Harsh

You killed another player.
Genre Achievement
Requirments To obtain this achievement you need to kill another player.
Effect Just a recognition of being a badass.
Ranks 1

Zed's Dead Baby

You have killed Zed. You will do +5 more damage to ghouls.
Genre Achievement
Requirments You need to kill Zed living in the Vault 12 level 3 to gain this perk.
Effect +5 bonus damage against Ghouls.
Ranks 1



These perks can be obtained by special means; for example by learning them from certain NPCs, or by acquiring items (like implants) which enable those perks after they're installed.

(Implant Name)

You get this perk after installing any of the implants. Since implants work like bonus perks, after you install them you will be able to see their description and benefits on your character screen "perk list".
Genre Showes up after installation.
Requirments You need to install an implant.
Effect various
Ranks 1

Gecko Skinning

You have the knowledge of how to skin geckos properly to get their hides.
Genre Learnable
Requirments In order to get this perk you need to pay 600 caps to one of the trappers in Junktown, Hub or Boneyard.
Effect You can skin Geckos.
Ranks 1

Profession Armorer

The general skill of producing high durability materials forming defensive wear for purposes of resisting incoming damage.
Genre Learnable
Requirments You need to learn this perk.
Effect Allows crafting of various types of armors.
Ranks 3

Profession Chemist

Scientific knowledge of producing various drugs and medicines.
Genre Learnable
Requirments You need to learn this perk.
Effect Allows crafting of various types of drugs and medicines.
Ranks 3

Profession Gunsmith

The general know how and technical knowledge of producing conventional arms, starting with pistols, shotguns, all kind of sub-machine guns, rifles, high grade long range projectile weaponry and heavy arms.
Genre Learnable
Requirments You need to learn this perk.
Effect Allows crafting of various types of guns and ammunitions.
Ranks 3

Profession Scientist

The technical know how of maintaining and producing energy-based weapons.
Genre Learnable
Requirments You need to learn this perk.
Effect Allows crafting of various types of energy weapons.
Ranks 3


Weapon Perks

Different weapons have various special abilities that grant them specific bonuses. Here's the list:

Name Effect Weapon's List with this perk
Accurate Increases the chance to hit by 20%.

H&K CAWS, Plasma Rifle, Shotgun, Alien Blaster, 9mm Mauser, Cattle Prod, Turbo Plasma Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Pancor Jackhammer, Solar Scorcher, M72 Gauss Rifle, PPK12 Gauss Pistol, Signal Flare

Close Range Increases the chance to hit by 60%.

Sledgehammer, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Primitive Tool, Shovel

Fast Reload Reduces the reload cost by 1 action point.

.44 Magnum (Speed Load)

Flameboy Triggers a more violent death animation when you kill an opponent.

Improved Flamer

Knockback Knockback is the ability that gives your weapon a chance to cause a knockdown on your targets, while at the same time pushing them over the ground. Note that it only works when activating the thrust mode on your weapon.

Super Sledge, Boxing Gloves(Not working), Plated Boxing Gloves(Not working) and Louisville Slugger(Not working)

Long Range Long Range is a weapon perk that increases the chance to hit formula from the standard (Perception-2)x8% to (Perception-2)x16%.

Gatling Laser, Hunting Rifle, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Assault Rifle, Laser Rifle, Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.), Sniper Rifle, Red Ryder LE BB Gun, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Assault Rifle (Exp. Mag.)

Penetrate Reduces your target's damage threshold to 1/3 of its nominal value. Using some ammonition can also grant this effect.

14mm Pistol, Ripper, Power Fist, .223 Pistol, Needler Pistol, YK32 Pulse Pistol, YK42B Pulse Rifle, Super Cattle Prod, Magneto-Laser Pistol, Mega Power Fist, "Little Jesus", Wakizashi Blade

Ammunition with Penetrate: 10mm AP, 5mm AP, 14mm AP, Rocket AP, 4.7mm Caseless

Scope Range Adds a 32% bonus to your chance to hit when shooting targets that are 8 or more hexes away from you. However, at the range of 7 hexes or less, it causes your chance to hit to drop to only 5%.

Scoped Hunting Rifle